Phase 1 of the Harbor Point Project

Grant: # 1024

Grant Amount: $188,042.91

Board Decision Year: 2008

City of Gladstone - Parks and Recreation (Gladstone)

Parks and Recreation

Sanderson, Nicole ([email protected]) 906-428-9222

GLFT - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery-A - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery

Project Details

The 10th Street Fishing Pier located along the East bank of Harbor Point was constructed with MNRTF, CMI, and local matching funds. Phase I of the Gladstone Harbor Point Project was the next step in an aggressive plan to revitalize Van Cleve Park and the Gladstone Municipal Harbor. The project included construction of a public restroom, fish cleaning station, paved parking lot, connecting walkways to the fishing pier, navigation light station refurbishment, shoreline erosion protection, and site restoration.


Final Report
View - 2008.1024_FinalReportandPhotos.pdf