Rapid Assessment of Lake Sturgeon Spawning Stocks Using Instream Hydroacoustic Technology

Grant: # 0107

Grant Amount: $235,559.80

Board Decision Year: 2001

Michigan Technological University - Biological Sciences (Houghton)

Biological Sciences

Auer, Nancy ([email protected]) (906) 487-2353

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-E - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management

Project Details

Throughout the Great Lakes Basin, remnant stocks of lake sturgeon exist at low abundance. Traditional fish sampling and assessment methods are marginally effective for these populations and can lead to fish mortality. Lake sturgeon congregate each spring when they spawn in large rivers. Nonlethal hydroacoustic technology, successfully used to count salmon in Pacific Northwest river systems, was used to evaluate the lake sturgeon population in the Sturgeon River, Michigan, and then applied to evaluation of the Muskegon River population.


Final Report
Final Report