Arcadia Marsh Restoration and Access Project

Grant: # 1107

Grant Amount: $176,650.00

Board Decision Year: 2009

Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy - Land and Stewardship (Traverse City)

Land and Stewardship

Sullivan, Chris ([email protected]) (231) 929-7911

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-K - Habitat protection and restoration

Project Details

Arcadia Marsh is a Great Lakes coastal emergent wetland, a rare and declining ecosystem. By some estimates, more than 80 percent of the original Great Lakes coastal wetlands have been destroyed. Arcadia Marsh is one of only 17 remaining coastal wetlands along the Michigan portion of the Lake Michigan shoreline. The Michigan Dune Alliance (MDA) identified the marsh as the most threatened of remaining coastal wetlands. With the help of grant funds from the GLFT, the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy purchased128 acres, increasing the size of the Arcadia Marsh Nature Preserve to 155 acres. In the wake of the expansion of the Arcadia Marsh Nature Preserve, the project team is developing plans to improve public access to the site.


Final Report
Final Report