MUCC’s MOOD U: The Science of Great Lakes Fisheries/Aquatic Resources Management

Grant: # 1113

Grant Amount: $90,500.00

Board Decision Year: 2009

Michigan United Conservation Clubs (Lansing)

Trotter, Amy ([email protected]) 517-346-6484

GLFT - Great Lakes Stewardship-B - Other Great Lakes Stewardship

Project Details

Research has shown that life-long programming is needed in order to build stewardship behavior. And in order to be successful, this life-long learning experience must also be multifaceted. It must provide resource awareness and appreciation, grow to include knowledge and skills and culminate in personal responsibility and responsible behavior; in other words, active stewardship. MUCC’s desire is to develop the comprehensive, life-long learning experience Michigan needs to ensure that we have citizens in this state with the passion, skills and commitment to steward our natural resources. Through Michigan OutofDoors University (MOOD-U) programming, Michigan’s citizens develop a sense of personal connection to and personal responsibility for our great outdoors. This funding allowed MUCC to offer three symposiums and two panel discussions on the science of fisheries/aquatic resources management. The purpose of the educational seminars was to increase awareness and understanding of the biological, economic, and social science supporting natural resources management decisions to ultimately motivate citizens of all ages to move from education to active and dedicated stewardship of Michigan’s natural resources. In each educational opportunity, tools and materials were provided to empower the attendee to engage in direct conservation and/or advocacy on the issue.


Final Report