Great Lakes Environmental News Service
Grant: # 1114
Grant Amount: $9,939.36
Board Decision Year: 2009
David Poulson - Knight Center for Environmental Journalism (East Lansing)
Knight Center for Environmental Journalism
Detjen, James ([email protected]) 517-353-9479
GLFT - Great Lakes Stewardship-B - Other Great Lakes Stewardship
Project Details
This project explored a strategy for stabilizing and expanding Great Lakes Echo, the Knight Center’s news service that reports on the environment of the Great Lakes region. The study investigated partners for disseminating Echo copy, potential funders, and other nonprofit models for supporting news operations. Since the start of the study, many papers and news sites around the Great Lakes region and elsewhere have carried Echo content. The project team concluded that some foundations continue to have an interest in supporting journalism experiments. They also found a significant interest among organizations that have not supported journalism in the past. Finally, they were able to uncover many interesting models of support for nonprofit public service journalism.
Final Report
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Final Report
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