Evaluating the success of new rock ramp fish passages and prioritization of tributaries for barrier removals in the Saginaw Bay watershed
Grant: # 1162
Grant Amount: $257,430.00
Board Decision Year: 2010
Central Michigan University - Biology (Mt. Pleasant)
Galarowicz, Tracy ([email protected]) (989) 774-1336
GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-D - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management
Project Details
Dam removals and construction of fish passages are rapidly becoming the dominant initiatives associated with Great Lakes’ fishery and ecosystem restoration. Rigorous scientific assessment of whether fish passages are meeting their intended conservation goals and evaluation of potential negative effects are, however, lacking in the Great Lakes region. Researchers from Central Michigan University compared fish assemblages on three rivers—one free-flowing, one dammed, and one dammed with a rock ramp structure designed to encourage fish passage across the dam—to determine the effectiveness of the rock ramp structure at allowing fish to move upriver. They found that the fish assemblages were similar above and below the dam and rock ramp and at the free-flowing river site, indicating that the dam and rock ramp did not have a substantial negative impact on the upstream fish community. However, catches of spring migratory fishes were significantly higher below the rock ramp than above, suggesting that the rock ramp is still a barrier to upstream migration and is not providing the intended connectivity to tributary spawning habitats.
Project Abstract and Summary
View - 2010.1162_GLFT_Research_Grants_Final_Report_Murry_et_al_2014.pdf |
Technical Report
View - 2010.1162_GLFT_Research_Grants_Technical_Report_Murry_et_al_2014.pdf |
Fullard Masters Thesis
View - 2010.1162_Fullard_2014_MS_Thesis.pdf |
Madel Masters Thesis
View - 2010.1162_Madel_2014_MS_thesis.pdf |
Stoller Masters Thesis
View - 2010.1162_Stoller_2013_MS_thesis.pdf |
Final Report
View - 2010.1162_GLFT_Research_Grants_Final_Report_Murry_et_al_2014.pdf |