Beginning the Removal of the Boardman River Dams: Removing/Restoring Brown Bridge Dam

Grant: # 1165

Grant Amount: $1,000,000.00

Board Decision Year: 2010

City of Traverse City (Traverse City)

Bifoss, Ben ([email protected]) 231-922-4440

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-G - Habitat protection and restoration

Project Details

Traverse City, in partnership with Grant Traverse County and other community stakeholders, received grant funding to remove the Brown Bridge Dam on the Boardman River in Michigan’s northern Lower Peninsula. The dam’s removal is the first phase of a broader restoration project that will ultimately remove three of four dams on the Boardman. The Brown Bridge Dam held a warm water pond that was removed; as a result, 1.5 miles of the cold-water river and 181 acres of upland and wetland habitat were restored.

This grant also supported the continued development and expansion of community stewardship for the 291-square-mile Boardman River Watershed. The removal and restoration plan were developed through a landmark public process to decide the fate of the dams, which are owned by the city and county.


2010.1165 Brown Bridge Fact Sheet
View - 2010.1165_Brown_Bridge_Fact_Sheet.pdf
Site Photos
View - Brown_Bridge_Dam_Removal_photos.pdf