Delivering stream salmonid trend data to facilitate collaborative management of great Lakes and inland fisheries

Grant: # 1243

Grant Amount: $43,109.58

Board Decision Year: 2012

Michigan Department of Natural Resources - Marquette Fisheries Research Station (Marquette)

Marquette Fisheries Research Station

Zorn, Troy ([email protected]) 906-249-1611

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-C - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management

Project Details

The project team developed an online tool, the Stream Fish Population Trend Viewer, for sharing information on local and regional trends in abundance, growth, and survival of important fish populations at Michigan Department of Natural Resources Stream Status and Trends Program fixed monitoring sites on Michigan streams. The tool has two main components, the first of which allows users to see regional patterns of trends in populations. It consists of a map showing fixed site locations in Michigan, with the sites color coded based on how the most recent survey information compares with the average value at the site since 2002. Users determine the interactive map’s display by selecting species and population parameters they are interested in. Data are available for important species at fixed sites, including steelhead, coho salmon, brown trout, brook trout, and smallmouth bass. Parameters include estimates of population abundance (e.g., total numbers or numbers by age or size group), average length of fish at a given age, and annual survival rate. The second component of the trend viewer allows users to view trends as graphs or data tables for these species and parameters at any individual site. They can also export the information as a report or data file. The viewer is available at 


2012.1243 Final Project Report
View - 2012.1243_Final_Report-_Project.pdf
2023- Zorn etal 2023- Combining Statewide Surveys and Classification to Support Management of Streams
View - 2023-_Zorn_etal_2023-_Combining_Statewide_Surveys_and_Classification_to_Support_Management_of_Streams.pdf