Elucidating the role of herd immunity in protecting of Lake Michigan fish against the Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus (VHSV)

Grant: # 1257

Grant Amount: $341,844.00

Board Decision Year: 2012

Michigan State University - Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation (East Lansing)

Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation

Loch, Thomas ([email protected]) (517) 884-2019

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations- - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management

Project Details

Fish in the Great Lakes Basin suffer from several recently emerged diseases. One such pathogen is the viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV). Not all Great Lakes fish species are equally susceptible to VHSV, with muskellunge and largemouth bass among the more susceptible species. In this study, researchers tested the effects of a vaccine against VHSV on the immune response of muskellunge, then tested whether vaccinating muskellunge against VHSV protected unvaccinated fish from the disease. Results showed that the mortality of naïve muskellunge (fish not previously exposed to VHSV) was significantly lower when they were housed with vaccinated fish than when housed only with other naïve fish. The researchers also modeled the effectiveness of a vaccination program designed around the potential immunization and release of hatchery-propagated individuals in protecting wild fish populations. The model showed a decrease in the infection rate of 28 percent to 65 percent, depending on the factors evaluated.


2012.1257 Final Report
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