Explore the Shores "Arcadia Lake GrebePark Fishing Access"
Grant: # 1268
Grant Amount: $48,200.00
Board Decision Year: 2012
Alliance for Economic Success (Manistee)
Ervin, Tim ([email protected]) 231-723-4325
GLFT - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery-A - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery
Project Details
The GLFT provided funding to upgrade an existing fishing pier, previously funded in part by the GLFT in 2000, to include the development of a fully accessible restroom facility, walkways to connect the pier, restroom, parking and picnic areas as well as education/interpretive signage with a focus on teaching children how to fish. The project also includes a universally accessible kayak/canoe launch that was funded from project matching dollars. All facilities exceed ADA requirements and is consistent with the mission of Manistee County’s Explore the Shores program to provide superior access to water for people of all ages, needs and abilities.
2012.1268 Grebe Park Final Report
View - Grebe_Park_final_report.pdf |
2012.1268 Grebe Park Fishing Platform Pictures
View - Grebe_Park_Photos.pdf |