City of St. Joseph Boat Launch Enhancements
Grant: # 1277
Grant Amount: $133,288.13
Board Decision Year: 2012
City of St. Joseph (St. Joseph)
Perry, Derek ([email protected]) (269) 983-6341
GLFT - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery-A - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery
Project Details
The new fish cleaning station and restroom are located at the City Boat Launch. This property is adjacent to the St. Joseph River which flows directly into Lake Michigan downstream of the site. This location provides many year-round sport fishing opportunities along the shoreline as well as through boats launched at the site. Prior to this project, the City lacked a suitable fish cleaning station and modern restroom facilities. This lack of facilities generated concerns for users and limited the level of quality and service that the City could provide to the resident and visiting sport fishermen.
Images of project
Images of project |
View - Project_completed.pdf |
2012.1277 Final Report Narrative
View - 2012.1277_Final_report_Narative.docx |