Illustrated field guide to the ciscoes of the Laurentian Great Lakes

Grant: # 1286

Grant Amount: $18,000.00

Board Decision Year: 2013

Great Lakes Fishery Commission (Ann Arbor)

Muir, Andrew ([email protected]) (734) 669-3016

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-D - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management

Project Details

Researchers catalogued historical collections and sampled extant populations of ciscoes in each of the Great Lakes to develop an illustrated field guide, including lake-specific keys, to help users identify cisco specimens. In addition, the guide presents the first update on the status of ciscoes in the Great Lakes Basin in nearly 30 years. The guide will be critical to fishery managers as they begin to consider priorities for cisco re-establishment in Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Erie and how to further improve efforts in Lake Ontario. For example, the lake-specific keys will allow biologists to identify cisco forms with greater certainty, which will strengthen assessment data.


Final Report
View - 2013.1286_Final_Report.pdf