Dam Removal and Fish Passage Restoration in Mineral Springs Creek - Lake Michigan Basin

Grant: # 1348

Grant Amount: $49,987.00

Board Decision Year: 2013

Ozaukee County - Planning and Parks Department (Port Washington)

Planning and Parks Department

Aho, Matt ([email protected])

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-G - Habitat protection and restoration

Project Details

This project remediated a failing dam and a four-barrel culvert crossing in Mineral Springs Creek. The stream is heavily manipulated and multiple fish passage projects are underway downstream of the dam site. Project activities reconnected 1.02 stream miles and 25.3 acres of high-quality wetland habitat to Lake Michigan, directly benefiting seasonal spawning runs of northern pike, suckers and red horse, Chinook salmon, Coho salmon, and steelhead.


Final Report
View - 2013.1348_Final_report.pdf
Before and After Photos
View - 2013.1348_Before_and_after_photos.pdf