Classroom With A Current

Grant: # 1420

Grant Amount: $49,200.00

Board Decision Year: 2014

Grand Rapids Public Museum Foundation - Collections & Education (Grand Rapids)

Collections & Education

Schulz, Gina ([email protected]) 6169291801

2014 Great Lakes Stewardship - Other Great Lakes Stewardship

Project Details

The Classroom with a Current Project engaged and supported a team of local high school students to design concepts for a new experiential watershed education exhibit or facility at the Grand Rapids Public Museum. The students’ concepts will inform a major museum redesign of existing natural history and interpretive exhibits to provide more comprehensive watershed and fisheries education opportunities for the West Michigan community to increase awareness, understanding and advocacy of the Great Lakes.


Final Report Narrative
View - GreatLakesFisheryTrust_Final_Report-2014Classroom_With_a_Current-1.docx
Project evaluation executive summary
View - Eval_Executive_Summary_(1).docx
Project media coverage
View - Media.pdf