North Branch White River Culvert Removal

Grant: # 1562

Grant Amount: $80,000.00

Board Decision Year: 2015

Oceana County Road Commission (Hart)

Dutcher, Lisa ([email protected]) 231-873-4226

2015 Habitat Protection and Restoration: Targeted Land and Capital Efforts (Including Barrier Removal) - Habitat protection and restoration

Project Details

The project removed the final (culvert) barrier in the North Branch of the White River. Fifteen river miles were opened, making the North Branch navigable for the first time since the logging era. A timber bridge spanning the bankfull width was installed and the river has returned to its natural channel.


2015.1562 Final Report
View - 2015.1562_GLFT_176th_NBWR_Final_Narrative_Report.pdf
2015.1562 Pre-restoration Pictures
Post restoration pictures are included in the final report.
View - 2015.1562_Pre-restoration_pictures.pdf