Song of the Morning Dam Removal-Pigeon River

Grant: # 1570

Grant Amount: $45,750.00

Board Decision Year: 2015

Huron Pines (Grayling)

Ramsdell, Lisha ([email protected])

2015 Habitat Protection and Restoration: Targeted Land and Capital Efforts (Including Barrier Removal) - Habitat protection and restoration

Project Details

Great Lakes Fishery Trust provided funding for on-the-ground/ in-the-water costs related to the removal of the Song of the Morning Dam. This project restored natural river processes including hydrology, geomorphology and flow of sediment and woody debris through the system for the first time in over 100 years. Trout and other aquatic organisms gained access to 15 miles of critical spawning and refuge habitat in the upper Pigeon River and its tributaries. 


2015.1570 Song of the Morning Dam Removal Final Report
View - 2015.1570_Song_of_the_Morning_Dam_Removal_Final_Report.pdf
2015.1570 Song of the Morning Dam Removal Project Attachments
View - 2015.1570_Song_of_the_Morning_Dam_Removal_Project_Attachments.pdf