Acme's Sayler Park Boat Launch

Grant: # 1596

Grant Amount: $77,698.00

Board Decision Year: 2015

Acme Township Williamsburg (Williamsburg)

Aukerman, Jean ([email protected]) 9899484948

2015 GLFT Access to the Great Lakes Fishery - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery

Project Details

Acme Township constructed a small boat access site on East Grand Traverse Bay at Sayler Park. Prior to completion of this project no public launches were available between Old Mission and Elk Rapids - separated by almost 20 car miles. Sayler Park is an established, rural, 22-acre family-friendly park owned and maintained by Acme Township. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources estimates through creel census information that over the last 10 years, angler effort has averaged 50,000 hours at the site with anglers making up 50 to 70 percent of users. The GLFT contributed approximately 20 percent of the project budget. The remaining 80 percent was provided by local, state, and tribal funding sources



2015.1596 Final Report
View - GLFT_Narrative_Jan_10_2017_FINAL.pdf
2015.1596 Photos
View - 2015.1596_-_Site_Photos.pdf
Additional Site Photos
View - Sayler_Park_Boat_Launch_Site_Photos.pdf