Spotlight on Stewards

Grant: # 1612

Grant Amount: $37,055.03

Board Decision Year: 2016

Detroit Educational Television Foundation (Wixom)

Sutika, Riley ([email protected]) (248) 305-3723

2016 Great Lakes Stewardship - Other Great Lakes Stewardship

Project Details

The Spotlight on Stewards program was a collaboration between Detroit Public Television (DPTV) and the Southeast Michigan Stewardship Coalition (SEMIS) to develop video content and supporting curriculum on environmental stewardship topics for use by teachers in K-12 classrooms. Spotlight on Stewards was considered a pilot project to test the idea that the communicative power of media and the civic education of young people could be combined to encourage greater stewardship of our state’s natural resources than either could accomplish alone. The following resources and materials were produced as a result of this grant: Spotlight on Stewards PBE curriculum for educators, two videos depicting different examples of PBE through the GLSI's SE MI hub, and guides for each video with additional information and reading material. All of these resources are on the PBS Learning Media website and can be found at 


Evaluation Report
View - 2016.1612_Spotlight_on_Stewards_Program_Evaluation_Report.pdf
Final Report
View - 2016.1612_Final_Report_Spotlight_on_Stewards.pdf