Great Lakes Aquatic Habitat Framework

Grant: # 1678

Grant Amount: $143,095.80

Board Decision Year: 2016

The Regents of the University of Michigan - School of Natural Resources and Environment (Ann Arbor)

School of Natural Resources and Environment

Riseng, Catherine ([email protected]) 734-763-9422

2016 Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations: Ecological and Biological Research to Inform Management - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management

Project Details

This project involved the development of a long-term business plan for the Great Lakes Aquatic Habitat Framework (GLAHF) while also cultivating relationships between state, federal, and provincial agencies and universities.

An advisory committee of fisheries researchers and stakeholders convened in July 2018 and established a draft GLAHF business plan with vision and mission statements, a proposed organizational structure, and staffing and support options.


Final Report
View - GLFT_GLAHF_final_report_July_2019.pdf