Reconnecting Coldwater Habitat in Bigelow Creek

Grant: # 1741

Grant Amount: $70,000.00

Board Decision Year: 2017

Trout Unlimited (Arlington )

Geist, Jeremy ([email protected]) 2488777256

2017 Habitat Protection and Restoration: Targeted Land and Capital Efforts (Including Barrier Removal) - Habitat protection and restoration

Project Details

Trout Unlimited and partners restored aquatic organism passage and stream function at three road-stream crossings. The replacement crossings enhance and provide long-term protection for fish passage and habitat for salmonids and other coldwater species of the Lake Michigan basin. The completion of the 40th Street and Main Branch Bigelow Creek road-stream crossing, which utilized Great Lakes Fishery Trust funds, has reconnected over five miles of high-quality coldwater habitat in Bigelow Creek.


2017.1741 Reconnecting Coldwater Habitat in Bigelow Creek Final Report
View - 2017.1741_Reconnecting_Coldwater_Habitat_in_Bigelow_Creek_Final_Report.pdf
2017.1741 Reconnecting Coldwater Habitat in Bigelow Creek Photos
View - 2017.1741_Reconnecting_Coldwater_Habitat_in_Bigelow_Creek_Photos.pdf