Building Capacity of Great Lakes Champions

Grant: # 1768

Grant Amount: $40,000.00

Board Decision Year: 2018

Huron Pines (Grayling)

Zoll, Jennie ([email protected]) 989-448-2293

2018 Great Lakes Stewardship - Other Great Lakes Stewardship

Project Details

Building Capacity of Great Lakes Champions used place-based stewardship education to develop, implement, and improve new and existing efforts with K–12 schools in the northeast Lower Peninsula. Reaching over 300 students and 26 educators, this project resulted in the development of long-term management plans for school forests and the implementation of stewardship actions related to forest health, marine debris, and green-infrastructure projects.

The project included strong ties to community and conservation needs, met school learning objectives, and resulted in stronger relationships with school administrators that will ensure similar efforts continue in the future. The project took place across four school districts located in Otsego, Alcona, and Arenac Counties.


View - 2018.1768-Building_Capacity_of_Great_Lakes_Champions_Project_Profile_and_Final_Narrative_Report_with_Attachments.pdf