Kids Creek Stream Corridor Restoration Project
Grant: # 1792
Grant Amount: $100,000.00
Board Decision Year: 2019
The Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay (Traverse City)
U'Ren, Sarah ([email protected]) 2319351514
2018 Habitat Protection and Restoration: Targeted Land and Capital Efforts (Including Barrier Removal) - Habitat protection and restoration
Project Summary
This project will improve natural stream function and in-stream habitat on a 5,400-foot section of Kids Creek with the overall goal of removing it from the State of Michigan's Impaired Waters List. Project will install woody debris and riffle-pool enhancements, connect the stream to its floodplain, replace a culvert restricting hydrologic flow, and narrow the stream channel using natural, bioengineering techniques, all of which will benefit desirable macroinvertebrate species as well as Brook Trout populations.