The Pigeon River Trout Habitat Assessment Project

Grant: # 1805

Grant Amount: $14,546.30

Board Decision Year: 2018

Ottawa Conservation District (Grand Haven)

Jordan, Benjamin ([email protected]) 616-842-5852

2018 Habitat Protection and Restoration: Targeted Land and Capital Efforts (Including Barrier Removal) - Habitat protection and restoration

Project Details

The Pigeon River is a coldwater stream located in Ottawa County, Michigan. This river has a history of fluctuating water quality due to sedimentation, nutrient loading, and hydrologic instability from drainage conditions. The Ottawa Conservation District inventoried 93 road-stream crossings and conducted stream habitat assessments and macroinvertebrate sampling on ten locations throughout the Pigeon River.


2018.1805 The Pigeon River Trout Habitat Assessment Project Final Report
View - Final_report_pigeon.pdf
2018.1805 The Pigeon River Trout Habitat Assessment Project Photos
View - The_Pigeon_River_Trout_Habitat_Assessment_Project_Photos.pdf