Sand Creek Habitat Assessment Project

Grant: # 1869

Grant Amount: $14,655.42

Board Decision Year: 2019

Ottawa Conservation District (Grand Haven)

Jordan, Benjamin ([email protected]) 616-842-5852

2019 Habitat Protection and Restoration: Targeted Land and Capital Efforts (Including Barrier Removal) - Habitat protection and restoration

Project Details

Sand Creek is a coldwater stream located in Michigan’s Ottawa and Kent Counties. It is designated as a trout stream by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) but has a history of impairments due to flow regime alterations and sedimentation. The Ottawa Conservation District conducted an inventory of all road-stream crossings in the Sand Creek watershed and a habitat assessment at key locations and identified areas of concern where future restoration efforts may be beneficial.

The Ottawa Conservation District inventoried a total of 143 road-stream crossings throughout the Sand Creek watershed. Habitat assessments and macroinvertebrate sampling occurred on 12 sites throughout the watershed. Documentation occurred for a number of potential best management practice sites that could be explored in future grant applications. The data has been shared with project partners, such as Trout Unlimited, Ottawa County Road Commission, Ottawa County Water Resources Commission, EGLE, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for future planning and decision making in the watershed.


2019.1869 Sand Creek Habitat Assessment Project Final Report
View - Sand_creek_final_report.pdf
2019.1869 Project photo 1
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2019.1869 Project photo 2
View - I_142.JPG
2019.1869 Project photo 3
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2019.1869 Project photo 4
View - I112.jpg