North Branch Boardman River Connectivity and Subwatersheds Inventory Project
Grant: # 1870
Grant Amount: $97,500.00
Board Decision Year: 2019
Conservation Resource Alliance - Grandview Plaza Building (Traverse City)
Grandview Plaza Building
Shook, DJ ([email protected]) 231-492-7587
2019 Habitat Protection and Restoration: Targeted Land and Capital Efforts (Including Barrier Removal) - Habitat protection and restoration
Project Details
Following the largest dam removal project in Michigan’s history, which concluded in 2019 on the Boardman River, Conservation Resource Alliance (CRA) initiated road-stream crossing work in the headwaters of the North Branch Boardman River. CRA worked with partners to complete a design for a new bridge crossing and inventory of all crossings in the Boardman Watershed and neighboring Grand Traverse Bay feeder streams of Mitchell, Acme, Yuba, and Tobeco Creeks.
A final design packet has been produced for the construction of a timber bridge to carry Broomhead Road over the North Branch Boardman River. The new bridge will span the full 30-foot-wide channel and open fish passage to 30 miles of high-quality stream habitat. Michigan Department of Natural Resources staff and Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians Natural Resources Department staff, along with local partner staff, provided input during design development. CRA staff completed the road-stream crossing inventory and merged it with existing data collected by staff from The Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay. With help from Land Information Access Association staff, the data is available online via an interactive website:
North Branch Boardman River Connectivity and Subwatersheds Inventory Project Final Report
View - 2019.1870_NB_Boardman_Connectivity_and_Inventory-Final_Report.pdf |