Spanning the Headwaters of the Jordan River

Grant: # 1990

Grant Amount: $200,000.00

Board Decision Year: 2022

Conservation Resource Alliance - Grandview Plaza Building (Traverse City)

Grandview Plaza Building

Balke, Kimberly ([email protected]) 231-946-6817

2022 Habitat Protection and Restoration - Habitat protection and restoration

Project Summary

With designs completed, state permits secured, and federal permitting underway, the “Spanning the Headwaters of the Jordan River Project” entails restoration of two severe culvert road/stream crossings, #WA-3 and #WA-5, on the Jordan River by constructing bankfull spanning bridges that provide full aquatic passage from 7 miles upstream to 16 miles downstream, halt the annual input 2022 GLFT Habitat Protection and Restoration: Targeted Lands and Capital Improvements Application 2 2022.1990, Spanning the Headwaters of the Jordan River of 10 tons of sediment from runoff, restore floodplain connectivity, and return natural stream morphology, water temperatures and velocities.