The market and nonmarket value of Great Lakes recreational fisheries

Grant: # 2056

Grant Amount: $276,837.00

Board Decision Year: 2024

Frank Lupi - Michigan State University-Deparment of Agricultural, Food, and Reource Economics

Michigan State University-Deparment of Agricultural, Food, and Reource Economics

Lupi, Frank ([email protected]) 517-432-3883

2024 Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations: Human Dimensions Research and Engagement - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations

Project Summary

This project will measure the contribution of recreational fishing in the GreatLakes to the economy andsocial wellbeing. This contribution includes market-relatedactivities such as spending on fishing gear andcharter services, aswell as the nonmonetary benefits of fishing to anglers. We propose toquantify bothtypes of contribution using economic valuation methods. Thevalues will help decision makers betterunderstand the consequences ofpolicies that affect conditions in the lakes.