Crystal River Fish Passage and Restoration Project
Grant: # 2067
Grant Amount: $200,000.00
Board Decision Year: 2024
Conservation Resource Alliance - Grandview Plaza Building (Traverse City)
Grandview Plaza Building
Shook, DJ ([email protected]) 231-492-7587
2024 Habitat Protection and Restoration - Habitat protection and restoration
Project Summary
The grantee will construct three bridges and install habitat structures on the Crystal River in Leelanau County opening 6.65 miles of tributary habitat to Lake Michigan and restoring habitat along 2,000 linear feet of the Crystal River within the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. They claim a diverse fishery consisting of Crystal River-based and Lake Michigan migratory smallmouth bass and northern pike, as well as strong seasonal runs of salmon and steelhead, will benefit from restored habitat and connectivity.