Elucidation of Etiology and Pathogenesis of Early Mortality Syndrome by cDNA Microarray-Based Identification of Expressed Genes
Grant: # 0281
Grant Amount: $344,673.19
Board Decision Year: 2002
Michigan State University - Office of Contract & Grant Administration (East Lansing)
Office of Contract & Grant Administration
Li, Weiming ([email protected]) (517) 432-6705
GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-C - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management
Project Details
Early mortality syndrome (EMS) causes massive mortality to many salmonid species in Lakes Michigan and Ontario. In this project researchers studied the etiology of EMS using an extensive fish health investigation and novel cDNA microarray (“gene chip”) technology, which has revolutionized human disease research and diagnosis. The same cDNA microarray would be a novel resource to study fish health, toxicology, and nutrition.
Final Report
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Final Report
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