Identification of Renibacterium Salmoninarum Strains of Potential Threat to Great Lakes Salmon Populations
Grant: # 0289
Grant Amount: $256,285.47
Board Decision Year: 2002
Michigan State University - Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation (East Lansing)
Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation
Loch, Thomas ([email protected]) (517) 884-2019
GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-C - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management
Project Details
Bacterial kidney disease (BKD), caused by Renibacterium salmoninarum, is a devastating disease of Great Lakes salmonids. Researchers for this project enhanced diagnosis of BKD by developing sensitive molecular probes that will differentiate between virulent and avirulent strain(s). This new diagnostic procedure will be useful in epizootiological surveys and disease control. Ultimately, this will facilitate better management of salmon fisheries in the Great Lakes and lower the prevalence of clinical BKD outbreaks.
Final Report
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