Lake Trout Spawning Habitat at the Southern Refuge, Lake Michigan

Grant: # 0401

Grant Amount: $24,211.00

Board Decision Year: 2003

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - Great Lakes WATER Institute (Milwaukee)

Great Lakes WATER Institute

Janssen, John ([email protected]) (414) 382-1733

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-D - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management

Project Details

This project produced a lake trout spawning habitat map, via multibeam sonar and sidescan sonar, that has facilitated ROV (unmanned submersible)-based studies of lake trout reproduction at Lake Michigan’s Southern Refuge. Via ROV we have been able to confirm egg deposition at steep dropoffs, at depths of about 50 meters. The dropoff habitat is abundant at the Southern Refuge, and a map of part of this habitat has greatly facilitated finding the best available habitat for study and future rehabilitation efforts.


Final Report