Betsie Valley Trail Railroad Causeway Bridge Amenities for Fishermen

Grant: # 0408

Grant Amount: $22,637.00

Board Decision Year: 2003

Benzie County - Betsie Valley Trailway Management Council (Beulah)

Betsie Valley Trailway Management Council

DuPerron, Sean ([email protected]) 231-352-4815

GLFT - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery-A - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery

Project Details

This project included construction of a fishing platform and fishermen access to the banks of the Betsie River during renovation of the Railroad Causeway Bridge, which runs over the Betsie River near Elberta. This was part of a $1.7 million project to complete the Betsie Valley Trail from Frankfort to the Railroad Point Natural Area on Crystal Lake.


Final Report