Great Lakes Basin Lake Sturgeon GIS Database Web Page
Grant: # 0417
Grant Amount: $34,872.28
Board Decision Year: 2003
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Great Lakes Fishery Resources Office (Amherst)
Great Lakes Fishery Resources Office
Zollweg, Emily ([email protected]) (716) 691-5456 24
GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-E - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management
Project Details
This project enhanced an interactive web-based GIS application and meta-database of Great Lakes lake sturgeon information. The updated database and GIS were used to enhance the existing maps and database developed for the 2000 and 2002 GLFT Lake Sturgeon Workshops. We have compiled the available lake sturgeon data sources to help focus restoration and research activities on priority lake sturgeon waters. Lake sturgeon researchers are the intended audience; however, it will also be useful to natural resource managers, biologists and those interested in sturgeon research throughout the Great Lakes Basin.
Final Report
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