Success of Current Strategies to Recolonize Lake Trout Spawning Reefs in Northern Lake Michigan
Grant: # 0045
Grant Amount: $157,360.00
Board Decision Year: 1999
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Green Bay Fishery Resources Office (New Franken)
Green Bay Fishery Resources Office
Holey, Mark ([email protected]) 920-866-1760
GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-D - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management
Project Details
This project evaluated the success of existing lake trout stocking strategies which started in 1985 because of the lakewide plan to rehabilitate Lake Michigan approved by the Lake Michigan (approved by the Lake Michigan Committee). Since 1985, the majority (more than 76 percent) of lake trout stocked have been transported and released directly above 24 specific spawning reefs,compared to less than 27 percent in 1965-84. Recolonization of historically productive spawning reefs will likely play a major role in lake trout finally achieving sustained natural reproduction in Lake Michigan. This project measured the distribution of spawning lake trout on 31 reefs throughout northern Lake Michigan over three years to evaluate the success of current stocking stategies. Distribution information was used to assess the performance of lake trout strains stocked for restoration and the movement of lake trout in the study area.
Final Report
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