Energy Dynamics of Lake Michigan Chinook Salmon

Grant: # 0047

Grant Amount: $238,625.09

Board Decision Year: 2000

Michigan State University - Office of Contract & Grant Administration (East Lansing)

Office of Contract & Grant Administration

Jones, Michael L. ([email protected]) 517-432-0465

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-C - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management

Project Details

Lake Michigan fishery managers seek reliable indicators of nutritional stress in Chinook salmon populations. Project managers collected wild-ranging Chinook salmon from Lake Michigan and measured various indicators of fish nutritional state in spring and fall over a three-year period. The goal of this study was to determine which indicators provide the best measure of stress and estimate the number of fish needed to provide an adequately precise estimate of stress on the population. The study also enhanced knowledge of the causes of stress in Great Lakes Chinook salmon.


Final Report
Final Report