Does Adult Body Condition Affect Recruitment Potential in Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis)?
Grant: # 0570
Grant Amount: $413,374.34
Board Decision Year: 2004
Purdue University - Dept. of Forestry and Nat. Resources (West Lafayette)
Dept. of Forestry and Nat. Resources
Sutton, Trent ([email protected]) (765) 496-6266
GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-H - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management
Project Details
Lake whitefish have historically been an important commercial species harvested from Lake Michigan. Recent declines in lake whitefish growth and condition have been attributed to reductions in their primary prey, the amphipod Diporeia. The loss of this high-quality food source may result in lower growth and survival of juveniles during the first year of life. By examining these relationships, the goal of this research was to improve our ability to predict year-class strength of lake whitefish populations.
Final Report
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Final Report
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