Evaluation of Lake Trout Spawning Habitat for Lake Michigan Deep Reefs

Grant: # 0575

Grant Amount: $355,485.00

Board Decision Year: 2004

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - Great Lakes WATER Institute (Milwaukee)

Great Lakes WATER Institute

Janssen, John ([email protected]) (414) 382-1733

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-D - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management

Project Details

This project located sites for lake trout restoration at Lake Michigan’s Southern Refuge. In years one and two researchers used a remotely-operated vehicle and beam trawling to identify spawning sites and began qualitative evaluation (presence/absence) of egg deposition density and fry production. In year two and continuing into year three researchers evaluated sites using quantitative techniques adapted from well-established scuba methodology. Results were used to suggest further management options.


Final Report