Comparative Performance in Early-Life History of Streamside Reared and Wild Reared Lake Sturgeon Acipencer fulvescens in the Manistee River

Grant: # 0609

Grant Amount: $144,201.07

Board Decision Year: 2004

Little River Band of Ottawa Indians - Natural Resources Department (Manistee)

Natural Resources Department

Holtgren, Marty ([email protected]) 231-398-2193

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-E - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management

Project Details

Managers are seeking techniques to increase reproductive success of sturgeon stocks while maintaining natural population performance attributes. Knowledge gaps exist in evaluating methods for rehabilitating remnant stocks, especially considering performance differences between wild and reared fish of similar genetic makeup. This study evaluated a streamside rearing program in rehabilitating remnant sturgeon stocks by comparing growth, habitat use, movement, and parental contribution of reared sturgeon to wild.


Final Report