Assessment of Simulated Lake Sturgeon Supplementations in Michigan Drainages of the Great Lakes

Grant: # 0613

Grant Amount: $275,464.00

Board Decision Year: 2004

Michigan State University - Office of Contract & Grant Administration (East Lansing)

Office of Contract & Grant Administration

Scribner, Kim ([email protected]) (517) 353-3288

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-E - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management

Project Details

Successful restoration of lake sturgeon throughout the Great Lakes requires knowledge of fundamental but little-known aspects of the species' early life history and of the impacts of proposed restoration activities on remnant populations. Restoration of remnant or extirpated populations will likely necessitate supplementation. Researchers conducted replicated experiments addressing the efficacy of alternative supplementation strategies for use in the Great Lakes basin.


Final Report