Bird Creek Park Recreational Shore Fishing

Grant: # 0623

Grant Amount: $153,436.00

Board Decision Year: 2004

Huron County - Parks Department (Bad Axe)

Parks Department

Romzek, Steve ([email protected]) 989-269-6404

GLFT - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery-A - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery

Project Details

The Huron County Road Commission, in cooperation with the GLFT, completed the Bird Creek Park recreational shore fishing project. The site is located in the Village of Port Austin along the Bird Creek River in Bird Creek County Park. Improvements included the construction of four fishing platforms connected by a barrier-free sidewalk linked to the existing boardwalk and parking area. To complement the fishing platforms, 200 feet of fish lunkers were built in front of each platform. The fish lunkers were constructed of white oak timbers built into the side of the river bank. These lunkers will provide a refuge for all species of fish in the river. Rip rap and native plants were also added to stabilize the river bank.


Final Report