Escanaba River Shore Fishing Access Project

Grant: # 0626

Grant Amount: $293,063.00

Board Decision Year: 2004

City of Escanaba - City Hall (Escanaba)

City Hall

Farrell, Bill ([email protected]) 906-786-1842

GLFT - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery-A - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery

Project Details

Grant funds were used to construct an 8-foot-by-617-foot boardwalk at the North Shore Boat Launch in Wells Township; it is ADA-compliant and accessible from a previously existing paved parking area. A FabWright fish cleaning station, 960 linear feet of toe kick plates, and four dusk-to-dawn light fixtures on steel poles were also installed.


Final Report
Final Report
Final Report
View - 626_Final_Report_Sans_Financial.pdf