Interactive Role of Transport and Foraging Success in the Determination of Growth Variability for Larval Yellow Perch, Perca Flavescens, in Southern Lake Michigan
Grant: # 0063
Grant Amount: $104,340.00
Board Decision Year: 2000
North Carolina State University - Office of Contracts and Grants (Raleigh)
Office of Contracts and Grants
Rice, James ([email protected]) (919) 515-2741
GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-D - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management
Project Details
The project team investigated consequences of larval yellow perch being transported out of productive near-shore areas of Lake Michigan. The primary concern regarding this transport is availability of optimal food for larval yellow perch in offshore areas. The team examined whether offshore transport inhibits larval growth and whether this growth change increases probability of mortality. This investigation greatly contributed to our understanding of how to best manage the Lake Michigan yellow perch fishery.
Final Report
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Final Report
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