Dynamics of Alewife Recruitment Variability in Lake Michigan
Grant: # 0076
Grant Amount: $358,221.73
Board Decision Year: 2000
University of Michigan - School of Natural Resources and Environment (Ann Arbor)
School of Natural Resources and Environment
Rutherford, Edward ([email protected]) 734-663-3554x104
GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-D - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management
Project Details
Fluctuating abundances of alewife affect early survival and management of salmon, lake trout, and yellow perch in Lake Michigan. This project used field studies and analyzed historical data to determine factors affecting alewife abundance, growth, and survival. Researchers used natural chemical tracers present in alewife ear bones to determine alewife environmental histories and identify those habitats producing the most survivors. Researchers also developed statistical models to predict alewife survival and abundance for fisheries managers.
Final Report
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