The Continued Development of a Place-Based Education Initiative in Michigan
Grant: # 0779
Grant Amount: $46,966.00
Board Decision Year: 2006
Northwestern Michigan College (Traverse City)
Cotto, Marguerite ([email protected]) (231) 995-1775
GLFT - Great Lakes Stewardship-J - Other Great Lakes Stewardship
Project Details
This project continued the support NMC in its effort to assist the GLFT in exploring the potential for a GLFT place-based education (PBE) initiative. Local and national place-based education, as well as Michigan stakeholders, were engaged in the development phase. NMC produced a document that summarized the research and input from experts and strategic partners, including a recommended infrastructure, organizational, and implementation plan for a place-based education initiative in Michigan. The GLFT Board is using this information to determine the length and level of financial commitment to this initiative. The document is also used to educate and leverage assets of other funders that might join the Trust in supporting place-based education.
Final Report
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Final Report
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