Establishment of Basinwide PIT Tag Capabilities to Rehabilitate Great Lakes Lake Sturgeon

Grant: # 0795

Grant Amount: $24,696.00

Board Decision Year: 2006

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Ashland Fishery Resources Office (Ashland)

Ashland Fishery Resources Office

Quinlan, Henry ([email protected]) (715)682-6185 203

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-E - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management

Project Details

Although PIT tags are a principal component of sturgeon assessment and management many agencies that target or encounter sturgeon lack the capability to detect or implant PIT tags, missing opportunities to share data. This grant money was used to purchase two types of readers and tagging supplies; these were distributed to 12 agencies with 17 offices. Data is being exchanged through the Sturgeon Tag Database and at Sturgeon Coordination Meetings.


Final Report
Final Report