Determine the Critical Period of Olfactory Memory Imprinting in Lake Sturgeon

Grant: # 0812

Grant Amount: $241,794.00

Board Decision Year: 2006

Illinois Institute of Technology - Biological, Chemical and Physical Sciences (Chicago)

Biological, Chemical and Physical Sciences

Zhang, Chunbo ([email protected]) 312-567-3575

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-E - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management

Project Details

An important strategic plan for the management and restoration of lake sturgeon in the Great Lakes is to determine when and where to stock lake sturgeon, and what is the proper life stage of lake sturgeon for stocking. However, this issue cannot be properly addressed without knowledge of olfactory imprinting in this species. In this study, we will use cellular and molecular biology tools to study olfactory development and determine the critical period for olfactory memory imprinting in lake sturgeon.


Final Report