Proposal for Bridging Funds to Support Place-Based Education

Grant: # 0854

Grant Amount: $64,075.00

Board Decision Year: 2006

Northwestern Michigan College (Traverse City)

Cotto, Marguerite ([email protected]) (231) 995-1775

GLFT - Great Lakes Stewardship-J - Other Great Lakes Stewardship

Project Details

This grant supported the following activities and products:
(1) Two teacher professional development institutes were held in Traverse City and Muskegon reaching 29 teachers. The institutes focused on methods for place-based education (PBE) instruction.
(2) A toolkit was developed featuring resources, templates, products, and strategies to help hubs established by the Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative (GLSI) begin and improve their work in the field. A copy of the toolkit is available on the GLFT website.
(3) Consultants expert in fundraising were retained to develop a "case for support" for PBE. A Donor Engagement Guide was developed containing a seven-step process by which new hubs may create their own cases for support for their work. The guide helps hubs clearly describe the PBE philosophy and goals all hubs share, identify their own unique attributes and potential funding sources, and engage different types of funders using creative methods and techniques. The guide is available on the GLFT website.


Final Report
Final Report
Final Report