Genetic Identification of Non-Spawning Lake Sturgeon in the Great Lakes

Grant: # 0880

Grant Amount: $170,871.00

Board Decision Year: 2007

State University of New York-Oswego - Biological Sciences (Oswego)

Biological Sciences

Welsh, Amy ([email protected]) (315) 312-2774

GLFT - Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations-E - Ecological and biological fisheries research to inform management

Project Details

The comprehensive genetic database for breeding populations of lake sturgeon collected by researchers was used to identify the natal origin of lake sturgeon collected from river and open-water habitats across the upper Great Lakes. Additional goals incuded identifing occupancy of critical nearshore and open-water habitats, identifing habitat characteristics that facilitate dispersal, and identifing populations at risk from exploitation or from catastrophic natural or anthropogenic events.


Final Report