Manistique River Shore Fishing Access Site Project

Grant: # 0923

Grant Amount: $383,313.00

Board Decision Year: 2007

City of Manistique (Manistique)

Aldrich, Sheila ([email protected]) 906-341-2090

GLFT - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery-A - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery

Project Details

The project was intended to provide public access shore-fishing opportunities on the only publicly owned river frontage within the City of Manistique. The project included construction of public access piers on the Manistique River 1,600 feet above the river mouth, utilizing existing shore support facilities at the West Shore Boat Launching Facility, and the installation of three  30-foot-by-24-foot ADA-compliant cantilevered piers paralleling river frontage accessible by boardwalk from the boat launch facility.


Final Report
View - 2007.0923_FinalReport.pdf
Final Photos
View - 923_pics.pdf