Manistee Lake Fishing Piers: Increased and Improved Recreational Access to the Great Lake Fisheries

Grant: # 0925

Grant Amount: $289,450.00

Board Decision Year: 2007

Alliance for Economic Success (Manistee)

Fuller, Cyndy ([email protected]) 231-723-4325

GLFT - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery-A - Access to the Great Lakes Fishery

Project Details

This project provides increased recreational access to the Great Lakes fishery, including increased access for tribal recreational and subsistence fishing. Universally accessible fishing piers and directional and educational signage were constructed at two optimal locations on Manistee Lake for targeting migratory Great Lakes species and migrating coolwater species. An additional objective of this project was to build upon concurrent planning processes to identify additional prime locations for sites that would provide increased universal access to the Great Lakes fishery in connecting waters throughout Manistee County.


Final Report